
活动回顾 | 遇见凉辰美景,探讨设计责任

2017-07-25 YoungBirds编辑部 YoungBird

7月21日,由YoungBird携手Sunbrella®赛百纶举办的2017“Shade-scape 凉辰美景”遮阳伞面设计竞赛冠军颁奖仪式暨十强作品展,在上海徐汇区华鑫慧享中心落下帷幕,为此次竞赛画上圆满的句号。

On July 21st, the Award Ceremony of "Shade-scape" Sunshade Pattern Design Competition 2017 and the Top 10 works exhibition were held in China Fortune Wisdom Hub by YoungBird and Sunbrella®, marking the end of this competition.

活动特邀设计、商界、媒体、IT等多个领域,近百余名嘉宾出席,更有来自微软加速器、谷歌孵化器、摩拜单车、华鑫置业、云赛空间、COCO SPACE等企业的代表出席,共同见证此次竞赛的最终成果。在“Design with Responsibility”主题演讲中,各位企业代表同出席的嘉宾、评委一起,以设计为基点,传递可持续发展理念,探讨了企业在重新定位的社会关系中所起的作用。

Over 100 guests from diverse backgrounds attended this event, including design, commerce, media and IT, etc. Representatives of Microsoft Accelerator, GDG Launchpad, Mobike, China Fortune Properties, INESA “i-Lab”, and COCO SPACE presented in the whole process to embrace the final result of this competition. They also discussed the repositioned social roles of enterprises in the session of Design with Responsibility Forum with all guests and jury members to deliver the sustainable development idea.

◤ 活动现场户外遮阳伞展陈,含TOP3选手落地作品

Display of outdoor sunshades and the Top 3 works

◤ 活动现场

Event photo

颁奖典礼现场,Sunbrella®赛百纶中国区销售市场总监David Shen上台致开幕辞,并讲到“过去,中国的户外遮阳伞一直面临褪色、老化、发霉等问题,作为面料生产商,我们十分清楚,最主要的问题出在面料的选择上。劣质的面料会使消费者受到紫外线的侵害、城市的环境也会因此受到影响,同时,低端面料生产过程中排放的有毒化学物质也会对工人和周边住户的健康造成影响。为了履行我们的社会责任,我们同志同道合的YoungBird走到了一起,希望通过此次的竞赛改变国内户外遮阳伞的现状,并通过设计师这一非常重要的基点助力实现改变。”

David Shen, Sales & Marketing Manager of Sunbrella® (China), made opening speech at the beginning of this Award Ceremony, “The outdoor sunshades in China were often confronted with the problems of color fading, abrasion and mildew in the past. As fabrics manufacturer, we completely know that the trigger is shoddy material, which will expose consumers to the ultraviolet and harm the urban environment. What’s worse, the toxic chemicals emitted in the production process of inferior fabrics will jeopardize the health of workers and residents in the surrounding area. We work together with YoungBird to honor our social responsibility whilst changing the current condition, backed by the power of designers."

◤ David Shen先生致开场词

Opening speech by David Shen 


Isa Ye, Founder & CEO of YoungBird, reviewed the big-data analysis of this competition on behalf of the organizer, “This Sunshade Pattern Design Competition is an attempt to unlock more inspirations of outdoor activities in summer, delivering the concept of green life and sustainable development. The Top 3 finalists boast unique design inspirations and the sharpest fashion acumen.”

◤ 葉春曦女士现场演讲

 Speech by Isa Ye


Four veteran jury members and ten mass media judges deliberated over all works at great length, and determined the Top 3 finalist works that boast fairly high level, combined with the advice given by two academic consultants and the results of public voting.

- 冠军作品—城市·影子 -

The Champion Work: City & Shadow


Li Shaotian, a product design student at Guangdong University of Technology has won his crown as the champion at last with his work City & Shadow, and he made an impressive presentation to introduce his design as well.

◤ 冠军选手李绍天演讲

Speech by the Champion Li Shaotian


Design Inspiration


“Guangzhou, the city I have lived for more than twenty years, is the source of my inspiration. I always suffer from the blazing sun and rainstorm at the same day there. So I got the idea to infuse the weather conception into my design. As a result, it is the color that firstly catches people’s eyes rather than the pattern. In addition, I want to create a deeper implication to seek the truth, and bring users the idea of being in the center of city,” he mentioned.

◤ 冠军设计图

The Design by the Champion


Design Concept


"I believe that practice is the foundation of design, which is the reason why I walk along this city again to consider afresh on it at the very beginning of design process. With the development of city, our sky is veiled by high-rises, and we rarely find the view of blue sky. The integration of green and eco-friendly ideas in my work demonstrate the connection between city and human. We need to attentively scrutinize and enjoy the fun of the metaphors beneath the sunshade patterns."

◤ 冠军手绘设计理念漫画

The Sketch of Design Inspiration by the Champion


“I would like to express my gratitude to the organizers for giving me this exciting opportunity to compete with international designers, and to have my work manufactured with such excellent fabrics,” he added.

◤ 主办方YoungBird、联合主办方Sunbrella®代表为冠军李绍天颁奖

Delegates from YoungBird and Sunbrella® presenting the prize for Li Shaotian, the champion

另外两强,作品棕榈树作者建筑师Samuel Silva(毕业于卡塔赫纳圣布埃纳文图拉大学,现于哥伦比亚工作),作品太阳渐变作者建筑师Huan Khoo(毕业于悉尼大学,在城市规划和建筑设计等领域有着丰富经验,现于澳洲工作),也通过视频的方式为大家阐释了其设计理念。

As for the other two contestants of the Top 3 finalists, Columbia-based architect Samuel Silva Batista, who designed the Palm and graduated from the University of San BuenaVentura, Cartagena, and Huan Khoo, a licensed architect practicing in Sydney and the designer of Gradient of Sun, who graduated at Sydney University with various design fields including civic design and architectural design, sent us video to interpret their design ideas.

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=e0529s6jew4&width=500&height=375&auto=0◤ 点击观看三强选手Samuel Silva Batista作品棕榈树的设计解析

Click the image to know more about the design explanation of the work The Palm Samuel Silva Batista

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=i05290d3bcx&width=500&height=375&auto=0◤ 点击观看三强选手Huan Khoo作品太阳渐变的设计解析

Click the image to know more about the design explanation of the work Gradient of Sun by Huan Khoo

◤ 42 36171 42 15287 0 0 2969 0 0:00:12 0:00:05 0:00:07 3078g>点击图片查看三强作品

Click on the image to find more information about Top 3 projects

活动下半场,福布斯中国最具影响力设计师杨明洁先生首先发表了 “设计能否改变社会” 的主题演讲。从壹基金的救灾帐篷到净水计划的一瓶水,再到手工艺产品解放了的一些具有非常高价值的农村劳动力,杨明洁先生一直主张设计改变社会,并致力于践行。在他看来,一个优秀的设计应当符合可持续发展的原则,同时,应该向公众传播正面的社会启迪意义,宣扬创新而有意义的生活方式。

Jamy Yang, Top Influential Chinese Designer by Forbes, made keynote speech on the topic about Can Design Change the Society. He stood for the positive answer and went at it hammer and tongs. He has made great efforts in the project of relief tents in One Foundation, and the plan of water purification, in liberating the rural labor force with high value in handicraft production. He believed that a brilliant design should meet the principles of sustainable development, and diffuse the positive, enlightened social meanings and innovative healthy lifestyle to public.

◤  竟赛评委杨明洁先生发表主题演讲

Speech by Jamy Yang, the jury member

紧接着,目前最具影响力的华人高定设计师Grace Chen也就 “传承,就是设计的当代性” 这一话题展开精彩的论述。苗族的锡绣这一中国传统的刺绣工艺,在Grace的巧思之下,通过花边这一方式与现代服饰巧妙融合,得以传承。这也是Grace探索Grace Chen品牌内涵“静 深 富”的一种尝试。最后,她提到:“设计就是一种化学反应,设计师要用“吃透”的精神,并最终通过一定的设计方式表达出来,并且这些设计都要对于你的用户及所身处的时代有意义。”

Grace Chen shared her views on “the trend of design is the inheritance of culture”. Miao embroidery, a traditional art form of Miao ethnic minority group in China, is seamlessly mixed with modern fashion by means of laces adopted by Grace. It is also an attempt for exploring the concepts of her eponymous brand, which are tranquil, profound and abundant. She said, “Design is a type of chemical reaction, and designers should delve into it and express by certain creative methods. Meanwhile, we all should select the design that is meaningful for users and society.”

◤ 竟赛评委Grace Chen女士发表主题演讲

Speech by Grace Chen, the jury member

杨明洁先生和Grace Chen的演讲深入浅出的探讨了关于设计力量与社会责任之间的关系,同时也启发了台下各位企业代表认真的思索。

Speeches made by Jamy Yang and Grace Chen probed into the relationships between design and responsibility, which provided illuminations for all representatives from diverse companies. 

在随后的主题论坛部分,跨界企业代表分别阐述了各自的企业社会责任。他们分别是致力于智慧社区开发与运营的华鑫置业、投资型科创空间运营商COCO SPACE、全球智能共享单车首创者与领导者摩拜单车、以打造一个以互联网+为驱动的线上线下完美创业生态系统为目标的云赛空间、着力打造微软全体系的创新生态系统的微软加速器、帮助创业者实现起步和发展的上海谷歌孵化器以及将食品安全视为重中之重的雀巢中国。各位企业嘉宾代表的精彩分享引起现场掌声连连。

When it comes to the forum, delegates from different enterprises elucidated their social responsibilities, including China Fortune Properties, who is committed to developing and operating smart industry communities; COCO SPACE, an operator devoted to establishing an investment-oriented base for innovation and entrepreneurship; Mobike, the world’s largest and most technologically advanced smart bike-sharing platform; INESA “i-Lab”, aiming at building a perfect OTO startup ecosystem driven by internet; Microsoft Accelerator, who commits to build innovative ecosystem based on Microsoft system; GDG Launchpad, who supports startups with mentoring and education; and Nestle China, who takes seriously quality assurance and food safety. Their fabulous speeches on the practice of enterprises’ responsibilities from different viewpoints met with loud applause.

最后,作为本次活动主办方YoungBird 的代表范静女士说:“YoungBird作为国际化设计资源整合平台,始终着力于发现和帮助新兴的设计力量,连接彼此、分享经验、创造机会、激发灵感,传递企业社会责任。”

“YoungBird is an international platform dedicated to pooling resources across the design industry. Adhering to the principle of supporting up-and-coming designers, we are dedicated to connecting different links along the industry chain, sharing experiences, creating opportunities, inspiring illuminations, and delivering our social responsibility,” concluded Ms. Fan Jing, the representative of YoungBird.


Speech by the representatives

活动尾声,葉春曦女士代表活动主办方YoungBird,David Shen代表联合主办方Sunbrella®赛百纶,将6把设计精美的大型户外遮阳伞捐赠给上海徐汇区虹梅庭公益服务中心。据悉,这批凝聚着设计灵感和企业社会责任的爱心遮阳伞将于8月为徐汇区漕河泾开发区的居民带去夏日清凉。

At the end of this event, Ms. Isa Ye and David Shen donated six exquisite outdoor sunshades to Hongmei Home Commonweal Service Center in Xuhui District, Shanghai. Embodied in design inspiration and social responsibility, these sunshades will play an effective role to refresh residents of Shanghai Caohejing Development Zone in August. 

◤ 简敏安女士代表虹梅庭公益服务中心接受捐赠

Ms. Jian Minan accepting the donation on behalf of Hongmei Home Commonweal Service Center

◤ 爱心遮阳伞放置位置效果图

Diagram of the location of sunshades

活动当天为了让现场嘉宾近距离感受Sunbrella®赛百纶独具匠心高质量的产品,活动现场展示了为三强所定制生产的面料。同时还准备了足够好玩、时尚的互动体验环节,Sunbrella®赛百纶携合作伙伴中国原创公共家具品牌Light Space将自己的展示间搬到活动现场,让到场嘉宾亲身感受到Sunbrella®赛百纶为室内及室外家居环境带来的最前沿体验。并在展示区内,请来专业摄影师与现场嘉宾互动拍照,留下此次活动的珍贵记忆,引得大家积极的参与。

Guests have enjoyed a closer look at every elaborate detail in the high-caliber fabrics of Sunbrella and the Top 3 finished products at this event. Moreover, Sunbrella® has invited Light Space, a Chinese original design furniture brand, to move its showroom to the event venue. Combined with interesting interactive session, we endeavored to provide the most avant-garde experiences for all guests in both indoor and outdoor environment. Lots of guest pictures taken by professional photographer at the demonstration zone were the jewels of this event.


Bespoke fabrics of the Top 3 works

◤ Sunbrella® Corner现场

Sunbrella® Corner



◤ 三强选手落地作品展陈

Display of the Top 3 works

◤ 十强作品展

Top 10 works exhibition

◤ 活动现场

Event photo

◤ 出席嘉宾现场合影

Group photo of guests

◤ 活动现场

Event photo

◤ 活动现场

Event photo

◤ Sunbrella® Corner互动

Sunbrella® Corner Amusement

◤ 主办方准备的精美茶点

Delicacies prepared by organizer

◤ 主办方准备的精美茶点

Delicacies prepared by organizer


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